Treatment for ears, nose, and throat (ENT)

Treatment for ears, nose, and throat (ENT)

ENT stands for ears, nose and throat. Otolaryngology is a medical specialty which focuses on the ears, nose, and throat basically it focuses on ENT. It is also called otolaryngology-head and neck surgery because doctors are also trained in medicine and surgery.

Treatment for ears, nose, and throat (ENT) - Overview

ENT stands for ears, nose, and throat. Otolaryngology is a medical specialty that focuses on the ears, nose, and throat basically it focuses on ENT. It is also called otolaryngology-head and neck surgery because doctors are also trained in medicine and surgery.  An otolaryngologist is often called an ear, nose, and throat doctor, or an ENT Doctor. This medical specialty goes back to the 19th century when doctors recognized that the head and neck contained a series of interconnected systems. Doctors have developed techniques and tools that are used for examining and treating problems of head and neck, that eventually formed a medical specialty.

Treatment for ears, nose, and throat (ENT) - Symptoms

Symptoms usually related to ENT include:-

  • Sore Throat.
  • Difficulty In Swallowing.
  • Enlarged Tonsils.
  • Enlarged Lymph Nodes.
  • White Patches On The Back Of The Neck.
  • Fever.
  • Body Ache.
  • Fatigue.

Treatment for ears, nose, and throat (ENT) - Pre-Procedure

An appointment before the surgery is typically required. It will include a careful review of your report, necessary blood level reports and x-ray report. You will be contacted one day before your surgery with the time and details.  Most of the surgeries can be performed as outpatient procedures. An overnight stay is typically offered as it provides adequate care (pain control, frequent checkups, monitoring) for the first night following surgery. A family member or friend should be present there at the time of your surgery. You should be following the NPO (nothing per mouth) instructions very carefully. You are strictly not supposed to eat or drink anything for at least 8 hours before your surgery. You can only drink water 2 hours before your surgery. You should check in the hospital 2 hours before your surgery. This is important as it allows the staff to check you in properly. Please check your medications with your physician. Please take your regular medications and bring them with you. 

Treatment for ears, nose, and throat (ENT) - During Procedure

This is a medical specialty that treats conditions of the ears, nose, and throat. Specialists in this field have training in surgery as well as in medicine. Because it involves the ears, nose, and throat, these doctors are known as ENT  doctors. Unlike those physicians who can only treat the conditions involving these areas and structures, ENT doctors can treat and also perform surgery on the structures involved, if necessary. Surgery will be necessary when non-invasive treatments and medications do not help to improve the condition.

Specific Procedures

ENT doctors can specifically perform these types of surgeries:

  • Sinus surgery
  • Snoring/sleep disorder surgery
  • Corrective breathing surgery
  • Tonsil removal

Sinus surgery is the last thing that is performed when therapeutics cannot effectively treat chronic sinus infections. The ENT surgeon performs the procedure to make the sinus openings large enough so that they can drain. This procedure tells the way how sinuses function and lessens the potential for infection. Sinus surgery is a minimally invasive surgery and is often performed on an outpatient basis. Different types of sinus surgery include:

  • Endoscopic sinus surgery – In this surgery the ENT physician examines the sinus openings for obstructive or unusual growths or tissues, which are later on removed.
  • Image guided surgery – This surgery combines computed tomography and endoscopy that is used to improve the surgeon’s visualization of the target area. Imagery is very helpful during the procedure that is correcting older sinus surgeries or for the procedures addressing abnormal sinus anatomy.
  • The removal – In this process the irreversibly damaged mucosa of the maxillary sinus, which may be undertaken to connect the maxillary sinus, is located under the eye, to the nose to optimize its drainage.

Treatment for ears, nose, and throat (ENT) - Post-Procedure

After your surgery is done in order to prevent bleeding, do not blow from your nose for at least 10 days after the surgery.You may continue to do moderate exercise by starting with walking. Avoid any kind of exercise that makes you feel strained. You should avoid bending over and lifting any objects that are over 20 pounds. Avoid doing aerobics, jogging, exercising, swimming or contact sports as it can affect your surgery.

Treatment for ears, nose, and throat (ENT) - Risk & Complications

Risk factors of ENT are :- 

  • injury resulting from a procedure, e.g. nerve damage
  • patient dissatisfaction with a functional outcome
  • inadequate diagnostic assessment
  • poor physician-patient communication
  • inadequate follow-up of diagnostic test results

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