

Liposuction is a surgical procedure that uses a suction technique to remove fat from specific areas of the body, such as abdomen, hips, thighs, buttocks, calves, ankles, chest, backs, chin, arms or neck. Liposuction also helps to shape (contour) these areas.

Liposuction - Overview

Liposuction is a surgical procedure that uses a suction technique to remove fat from specific areas of the body, such as abdomen, hips, thighs, buttocks, calves, ankles, chest, backs, chin, arms or neck. Liposuction also helps to shape (contour) these areas.

Liposuction is also known as lipoplasty and body contouring.

Liposuction is not the treatment for obesity. It is useful to remove contour fat from specific parts of the body.


TUMESCENT LIPOSUCTION: This is the most common technique used to perform Liposuction. In this procedure a sterile solution (mixture of salt water) is injected, which helps in fat removal. Then cannula is inserted in the body which is connected to vacuum which suctions fat and fluid from the body.

ULTRASOUND ASSISTED LIPOSUCTION (UAL): This type of liposuction technique is sometimes used with tumescent liposuction. In this procedure a metal rod is inserted that emits ultrasonic energy under the skin. This helps to rupture the fat cell walls and break down the fat for easier removal.

LASER ASSISTED LIPOSUCTION (LAL): This type of Liposuction technique uses high intensity laser light, to break down fat for removal. A laser fibre through small incision is inserted in skin and helps to emulsify fat deposits. Than fat is removed via cannula.

POWER ASSISTED LIPOSUCTION (PAL): This type of Liposuction technique uses a cannula that moves in a rapid back and forth motion. This helps to pull out tough fat more easily and faster. This technique is more suitable when large volume of fat needed to be removed.

Liposuction - Symptoms

  • Patient opts for liposuction when they have too much body fat in specific spots but otherwise have a stable body weight.
  • When fat cells increase in size and volume in a body, liposuction helps to reduce the number of fat cells in a specific area.
  • People who wants to make some changes in their appearance, goes for liposuction.

Liposuction - Pre-Procedure

  • Stop taking blood thinners, anti-inflammations, herbal medicines, at least three weeks prior to surgery.
  • Patients with Anaemia may be asked to take iron supplements.
  • Women may be asked to stop contraceptive pills.
  • Liposuction technique will be decided, according to patient’s choice after discussion of pros and cons of technique with doctor.

Liposuction - During Procedure

  • This procedure will be performed under local or general anaesthesia.
  • Patient may or may not be needed to stay in Hospital overnight, depends on patient’s condition after few hours of surgery.
  • A thin hollow tube or cannula will be inserted through incisions to loosen excess fat.
  • Then, dislodged fat will be suction out of the body with the help of surgical vacuum or syringe attached to cannula.
  • Duration of the procedure depends upon extent of fat removal.

Liposuction - Post-Procedure

  • Pain, swelling and bruising after the procedure is expected.
  • After the procedure, Incisions may be open and temporary drains will be placed to promote fluid drainage.
  • Patient need to wear tight compression garments for few weeks, which will help to reduce swelling, for few weeks.
  • It may take few weeks to resume regular activities.
  • During recovery period, some contour irregularities are expected as remaining fat settles into position.

Liposuction - Risk & Complications

  • Infection
  • Fluid accumulation
  • Contour irregularities
  • Numbness
  • Internal puncture
  • Fat embolism
  • Swelling for few days is expected.

Liposuction - Hospitals

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